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Report AQ Austria

Report on the results of the reporting procedure of United International Schools (UIS), United Education Ltd. with AQ Austria

On 15.05.2024, the Board of AQ Austria decided to accept the application of United International Schools (UIS), United Education Ltd. for a positive decision on the notification pursuant to §§ 27, 27a HS-QSG of 07.12.2023, received on 07.12.2023, regarding the study programmes

1 Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration and Management
2. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

pursuant to §§ 27, 27a HS-QSG in conjunction with § 3 para. 1 of the § 27 Notification Ordinance 2019.
The period of validity of the notification is limited until 30 May 2028.

The report can be found here.

The decision on the registration of studies does not imply a determination of equivalence with Austrian studies and corresponding Austrian academic degrees. The studies and academic degrees are deemed to be those of the country of origin or domicile.

We would like to inform students in Austria that in the event that the decision on the notification is revoked by the Board of AQ Austria, the study programme(s) may no longer be offered in Austria.
